Let's talk about stretch, baby

As my body ages I’m more and more aware of just how much it needs to stretch. So I've put together 6 reasons you should stretch, baby!

Dec 13, 2022

How to Improve Your Meditation | Tips and Techniques

Meditation is a tough gig. When you take your first stumbling steps into the practice it can feel intimidating, overwhelming or just plain impossible

Mar 03, 2023

The Secret Connection Between Meditation and Stretching

Yoga has been around for a long time, evolving over the years to offer many different styles and approaches each with its own set of pros and cons.

Feb 07, 2023

Simple Self Care Ideas For Real Life

I think most of us know on some level at least, that taking good care of yourself mind, body and soul should be as much a part of daily life as brushing your teeth.

Dec 17, 2022

When Boredom Strikes - it ain’t all bad

Boredom isn’t quite as straight forward as you might think. Psychologists have identified five different types of boredom each characterised by different symptoms and settings.

Jan 10, 2023

How to be more mindful in 5 steps

Schedule in a bit of mindfulness, they say. Do less to be more, they say. Do you read that and find yourself thinking “Who is they and how the heck do they have the time?"

Jan 24, 2023